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What Does Your Future Hold? New Fiction at JCPL, of Course!

If you would have told me a few years ago that I would be driving a mini-van someday, I would have told you that you’re wrong. No way would I drive a “bus.” My vehicles have always been compact; after all, I’m only 4’11” tall. So now, in my driveway, sits a red van, and every time I walk through my living room and see that “bus” out in my driveway, I wonder who is visiting, because, mentally, I still have not adjusted to the large capacity vehicle that is sitting where my little Toyota should be.

Be a library kid all year

During the school year there are lots of ways to stay involved with the library, and have fun with friends outside of school.

No matter what your age or reading level, there are reading programs at the library that meet the whole year long.

Check out our storytime page to find a program that you might like to join.


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