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Celebrate! Check out New Adult Fiction That You'll LOVE!


     February is right around the corner; it is National Heart Month, Super Bowl month, and the month that predicts whether winter will last 6 more weeks or end in a month and a half. So many more special events are set aside in February, however, and you’ve probably never heard of most of them. I had not until a little research led me to see that February 4th is ‘Create a Vacuum Day,’ as well as ‘Thank a Mailman Day,’ and on February 5th we celebrate the only working people who can be wrong most of the time but still get paid; ‘National Weatherman’s Day!’ February 8th is designated ‘Kite Flying Day,’ for which I am not quite sure of the reasoning, because even though I wish it weren’t true, it’s still the MIDDLE OF WINTER! What do you like to do in the month of February? Did I mention that February is also “Library Lover’s Month?” Now, there is something to celebrate and commemorate, and a good place to start is by checking out a stack of brand new adult fiction from your local branch of the Jasper County Public Library! Read on!

Devastated after losing both his wife and son, Gideon Fisher isolates himself, losing his faith and pulling away from his Amish community. Now living on the outskirts of the community, Gideon lives alone, working his farm in peace. When a freak spring snowstorm hits and Gideon rescues a young woman from the cold and snow, Gideon begins to come alive once again, but the young woman, Avery Ann Hamilton, is a Dallas socialite, and both she and Gideon come from very different walks of life. Can they overcome their differences and find common ground? Find out in ‘Saving Gideon,’ book number one in the Clover Ridge series by Amy Lillard.

     Eveline, young and newly married, follows her husband into the Minnesota wilderness, starting out her married life in a remote, rundown cabin. Satisfied with the simple lifestyle that she has become accustomed to, Eveline gives birth to her first child, Hux. Life changes for the young family, however, when Emil, Eveline’s husband, is called away to care for his sick father. In his absence, a stranger arrives at the cabin, and Eveline becomes pregnant with her second child, Naamah, a young girl that Eveline gives away. As Hux grows older, he is haunted by the knowledge that he has a forsaken sister, and sets out to find her. His search turns up a wild, untamed young woman with whom Hux tries to form a bond in ‘Evergreen,’ a novel of love, loss, hope and redemption by Rebecca Rasmussen.

     Carmen Hart is the Florida panhandle’s favorite meteorologist. Her life is perfect; or at least that is how things appear to everyone on the outside. But on the inside of Carmen’s home and personal life, there is doubt and the daily struggle of one loss after another and Carmen’s empty arms. Everything changes, however, when Carmen’s seventeen year old runaway sister, Gracie Fisher needs to be rescued from herself and her choices and bad behavior. Taking in the broken teenager, Carmen begins to re-evaluate her own life in ‘The Art of Losing Yourself’ by Katie Ganshert.

     Anna is a willful teenager who struggles to conform. Her quirky character and personality make it difficult for those around her, especially her own family. At sixteen, Anna begins to spiral downward, overtaken by melancholy that she can find no relief from. When the Goldschmidts move in next door, Anna gravitates toward them, awestruck by their son, Lars and beliefs that the Tribulation and End of Days is upon us. Sinking deeper and deeper into the cult activity practiced by her neighbors, Anna undergoes changes of her own, and teeters ever closer to the edge when unlikely friends come to her rescue and bring her back to reality in ‘Coming of Age at the End of Days’ by Alice LaPlante.

     Day by day you can celebrate a variety of events in February. February 15th is ‘National Gum Drop Day,’ February 23rd is ‘International Dog Biscuit Day,’ and February 26th is ‘Tell a Fairy Tale Day.’ My favorite is ‘No Brainer  Day’ on February 27th, because to me, it is a ‘no-brainer’ to just enjoy the entire month of February by celebrating “Library Lover’s Month” every day for 29 days!