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JCPL Taxes Databases

The resources on these pages are provided FREE to Jasper County Public Library patrons to help with research and entertainment needs. Except where noted, all of these resources can be used at home or away from the library. Use from home will require a JCPL library card, and some services may require you to establish an account in order to save preferences or other materials. This information is not retained by JCPL.

Browse the resources below, or choose a specific category to narrow your search. The more information link can lead to tips, known issues as well as help using the resource. To request assistance, or suggest a resource, use our contact page and select Online Databases as the category.

After hours use

Due to nightly server maintenance, some JCPL resources may not be available between the hours of 11 p.m. and 4 a.m. CST.

Indiana Tax Forms

Current Year Tax Forms. Link at the bottom of the page to previous year tax forms and links for online assistance.

More information

U.S. Tax Forms

Most downloaded forms. Links for current and previous forms and links for online assistance.

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