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Dragons come to life in works of featured artist in Sept. and Oct. at Rensselaer

Display Month: 
September, 2021
Photo of the artist with a blue soft-sculpture dragon
Inkwash drawing of a majestic dragon spreading its wings on a rocky point.

Good Marrow!

I’m Autumn, and I am a multi-medium artist who works in ceramics, sculpture, textiles, colored pencil, charcoal, oil and acrylic paints, wood, and ink wash! I’m also the Youth Services Specialist at the DeMotte Library.

These inkwashes are from a series I call “Urelion” (OO-rel-EE-un), which is based off a story that my Fiancée and I have been working on for the past several years. In these pieces I’ve brought Aralia, the elven princess and Sma to “life” from their written origins. In these images, you’ll be able to catch glimpses of their travels throughout Urelion.

For context, the idea of the story is that Aralia (Uh-rah-lee-uh) is undercover and trying to correct a several hundred-year-old feud. Sma and his dragon, Guinevere, act as her guide and protection as they travel from one kingdom to the next. They encounter countless obstacles and other characters on their way to the Dwarven Kingdom.

In terms of the art, these pieces begin with coffee-stained watercolor paper on which I then sketch the base outline. From there I take various water-ink ratios to create different shades of the same color. These shades are used to create the layers in the pieces. By starting with the lightest colors and then slowly darkening with each layer, the process will eventually come up with something like these end products. To polish off the pieces, I add white acrylic paint and iridescent calligraphy ink for highlights.

You can see more art on my Instagram @raeging_dragon or visit my Facebook page Raeging Dragon.