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Vintage Views Index


“In April of 2005, Mike Campbell of Campbell Printing, conceived the idea of preserving the history of the Rensselaer area through a retrospective magazine. Steering away from family genealogy and "what the old timers used to say", the main criteria of "Vintage Views" includes people and occurrences of state or national interest within what is now the Rensselaer Central school district.

-- From the Vintage Views website,

The following is an index of the articles written in each of the publications. Issues are available for browsing only at the Rensselaer Library -- in person or online via our JCPL Online Archives -- or select issues can be purchased through Campbell Printing in Rensselaer.

Summer 2005 - Volume I

From the County Historian (by Beulah Arnott) P3
Rensselaer As I Remember (by William R. Grow) p5
From The Mayor’s Desk (by Rensselaer Mayor, Herb Arihood) p7
Jasper County’s Native Son (A Tribute to Charlie Halleck) p9
Vintage Views (Photos From The Past) p13
Saint Joseph’s College (Chicago Bears Training Camp) p23
Points of Interest (25 Historical Locations) p27
Sports Legends (George Clouse and Dale DeWees) p29
Talbert Trailers (The Founder’s Story) p31
Did You Know? P32

Fall/Winter 2005 - Volume II

From the County Historian (Rick Kupke Interview – by Beulah Arnott) p3
Rensselaer As I Remember (by David Nowels) p5
From The Mayor’s Desk (by Rensselaer Mayor, Herb Arihood) p7
Rensselaer’s Silent Star (A Tribute to Augustus Phillips) p9
Vintage Views (Photos From The Past) p13
Purdue’s Golden Girl (The Linda Hughes Story) p23
A Rensselaer Wrestling Legacy (The Mae Wiseman Bartel Account) p27
Sports Legends (Don Tweedie) p29
The Thomas Dewey Rally (At Saint Joseph’s College) p31
For The Record (Interesting Facts) p32

Spring 2006 - Volume III

From the County Historian (by Beulah Arnott) p3
Rensselaer As I Remember (by Ralph “Ike” Donnelly) p5
From The Mayors Desk (by Rensselaer Mayor, Herb Arihood) p7
Earle Reynolds and The Reynolds Skaters (by Paul M. Hoover) p9
Vintage Views (Photos From The Past) p13
Patty LeMaire (Ice Skater Extraordinaire) p 23
The Jasper County Airport (Soaring into History) p27
Sports Legends (Bill Morton) p29
A Different Drummer (The Gene Krupa Story) p31
For The Record (Interesting Facts) p32

Summer 2006 - Volume IV

From the County Historian (Township Schools – by Beulah Arnott) p3
Rensselaer As I Remember (by Dr. Ernest Raymond Beaver) p5
From The Mayor’s Desk (by Rensselaer Mayor Herb Arihood) p7
Back Home Again in Indiana (The James F. Hanley Story – by Beulah M. Arnott) p9
Vintage Views (Photos From The Past) p13
From Triumph to Tragedy (by Michael W. Campbell) p23
The Iroquois River (by Jasper County Surveyor, Kevin M. Armold) p27
Sports Legends (Gordon E. “Dode” Bausman) p29
Curtis Creek Country Club (by Robert G. Lewis) p31
For The Record (Interesting Facts) p32

Fall 2006 - Volume V

From the County Historian (My First Automobile – by Beulah M. Arnott) p3
Rensselaer As I Remember (by Emma Mae Michaels) p5
From The Mayor’s Desk (by Rensselaer Mayor Herb Arihood) p7
Rensselaer Speedway (by Ted Wilson) p9
Vintage Views (Photos From The Past) p13
Troy Williams – A Sculptor of Prominence (by Robert G. Lewis) p23
Our Continental Divides (by Jasper County Surveyor, Kevin M. Armold) p27
Sports legends (Coach Joe Burvan) p29
A Congressional Friend (by Michael W. Campbell) p31
For The Record (Interesting Facts) p32

Winter 2006 - Volume VI

From the County Historian (Who Was Mary Washburn? – by Beulah M. Arnott) p3
Rensselaer As I Remember (by Julia (Howland) Healey) p5
From The Mayor’s Desk (by Rensselaer Mayor Herb Arihood) p7
Remembering A Hero (The Dewey Biggs Story) p9
Vintage Views (Photos From The Past) p13
What “The Hammer” Hath Wrought (by Michael W. Campbell) p23
General George H. Healey (Printer, Publisher, Politician and Patriot) p27
Sports Legends (Toby Wilcox) p29
Captain Paulsen, USN (Doing Rensselaer Proud) p31
For The Record (Interesting Facts) p32

Spring 2007 - Volume VII

From the Jasper County Historian (by Beulah M. Arnott) p3
Rensselaer As I Remember (by Philip H. Blue) p5
From The Mayor’s Desk (by Rensselaer Mayor Herb Arihood) p7
Tom Harmon – “From Boy to Mann to Mich-i-gan” (by Michael W. Campbell) p9
Vintage Views (Photos From The Past) p13
Rensselaer’s Jack Woods – “Rolling in the Dough” (by Michael W. Campbell) p23
“Prof” Tonner (from the Saint Joseph’s College Archives) p27
Sports Legends (Harold “Mouse” Harmon) p29
The Honorable Edwin P. Hammond (from the Jasper County Historical Society Archives) p31
For The Record (Interesting Facts p32

Summer/Fall 2007 - Volume VIII

From the Jasper County Historian (by Beulah M. Arnott) p3
Rensselaer As I Remember (by Mary Ellen Thompson) p5
From The Mayor’s Desk (by Rensselaer Mayor Herb Arihood) p7
The Rensselaer Miniature Train Company (by Michael W. Campbell) p9
Vintage Views (Photos From The Past) p13
Dr. Neal H. Haskell (by Christine Haskell) p23
“Grandpa” Morgan (from the Jasper County Historical Society Archives) p27
Sports Legends (Edward “Joe” Schmidt) p29
Someone You Should Know – Dawn Minton (by Michael W. Campbell) p31
For The Record (Interesting Facts) p32

Winter 2007 - Volume IX

From the County Historian (by Beulah M. Arnott) p3
Rensselaer As I Remember (by Harry Stackhouse) p5
From the Mayor’s Desk (by Rensselaer Mayor, Herb Arihood) p7
Eleanor (Stackhouse) Atkinson (by Michael W. Campbell) p9
Vintage Views (Photos From the Past) p13
Edison Marshall – A Prolific Writer (by Michael W. Campbell) p23
Nathaniel Banta (by Chuck Tilton) p27
Sports Legends (Local Runners of the Boston Marathon) p29
Rensselaer Raceway (by Ted Wilson) p31
For the Record (Interesting Facts) p32

Winter 2008 - Volume X

From The Jasper County Historian (by Beulah M. Arnott) p3
Rensselaer As I Remember (by Helen Pennington) p5
From The Mayor’s Desk (by Rensselaer Mayor Herb Arihood) p7
Paul Gates & The Kings of Rhythm (by Michael W. Campbell) p9
Vintage Views (Photos From The Past) p13
Lina Chesak Liberace (by Robert G. Lewis) p23
Margaret Hill McCarter – Part 1 (from the Jasper County Historical Society Archives) p27
Sports Legends (The Old Geezers Club) p29
Someone You Should Know – Mark Heinig (by Michael W. Campbell) p31
For The Record (Interesting Facts) p32

Spring/Summer 2008 - Volume XI

From the Jasper County Historian (by Beulah M. Arnott) p3
Rensselaer As I Remember (by Bessie Eger Grant) p5
From The Mayor’s Desk (by Rensselaer Mayor Herb Arihood) p7
Jack Rodibaugh (by Beulah M. Arnott) p7
Vintage Views (Photos From The Past) p13
The Northway Products Company (by Michael W. Campbell) p23
Margaret Hill McCarter – Part II (from the Jasper County Historical Society Archives) p27
Sports Legends (1950-1951 Rensselaer Bomber Basketball Team) p29
Sports Legends continued (by Michael W. Campbell & Robert G. Lewis) p31
For The Record (Interesting Facts) p32

Fall/Winter 2008 - Volume XII

From the Jasper County Historian (by Beulah M. Arnott) p3
Rensselaer As I Remember (by Charles F. Rout) p5
From The Mayor’s Desk (by Rensselaer Mayor Herb Arihood) p7
Frank Fischer (by Robert G. Lewis) p9
Vintage Views (Photos From The Past) p13
Jasper County Sheriff’s Posse (by Michael W. Campbell) p23
Washington’s “Charlie Halleck Day” (by Michael W. Campbell) p 27
Sports legends (1948 Rensselaer High School Football Team) p29
Burk’s Grade (by Russ Martin) p31
For The Record (Interesting Facts) p32

Spring 2009 - Volume XIII

From the County Historian (by Beulah Arnott) p3
Rensselaer As I Remember (by Catherene Marlin) p5
From the Mayor’s Desk (by Rensselaer Mayor, Herb Arihood) p7
William C. Babcock II/Babcock’s Stone Quarry (by Michael W. Campbell) p9
Vintage Views (Photos From The Past) p13
The Roses of the Hefners (by Michael W. Campbell) p23
The Jails of Jasper County (from the Jasper County Historical Society Archives)  p27
Sports Legends (1968-1969 Rensselaer Bomber Basketball Team) p29
Marshal Ed Ames (by Paul M. Hoover) p31
For The Record (Interesting Facts) p32

Summer 2009 - Volume XIV

From the County Historian (by Beulah M. Arnott) p3
Rensselaer As I Remember (by Cecil “Pete” Eldridge) p5
From the Mayor’s Desk (by Rensselaer Mayor Herb Arihood) p7
Benjamin J. Gifford (by Michael W. Campbell) p9
Vintage Views (Photos From The Past) p13
Jasper County REMC (by Robert G. Lewis) p23
Olympic Track Star Jesse Owens (from the Jasper County Historical Society Archives) p27
Sports Legends (1977 Rensselaer Bomber Football Team) p29
Bob Knorr –A Cartoonist in our Midst (by Dori Hancock) p31
For The Record (Interesting Facts) p32

Fall/Winter 2009 - Volume XV

From the County Historian (by Beulah Arnott) p3
Rensselaer As I Remember (by Joe Rowen) p5
From the Mayor’s Desk (by Rensselaer mayor herb Arihood) p7
William Gehring Farms (by Michael W. Campbell) p9
Vintage Views (Photos From The Past ) p13
Matt Beehler (by Robert G. Lewis) p23
Ernest W. Graham (from the Jasper County historical Society Archives) p27
Sports Legends (1935-1936 Rensselaer Basketball Team) p29
Rensselaer and the Wienermobile (by Michael W. Campbell) p31
For The Record (Interesting Facts) p32

Spring 2010 - Volume XVI

From The County Historian (by Beulah Arnott) p3
Rensselaer As I Remember (by Lawrence Brenneman) p5
From The Mayor’s Desk (by Rensselaer Mayor, Herb Arihood) p7
The Woman Who Loved Percherons  But Never Owned One (by Edward P. & Pamela S. Habrowski) p9
Vintage Views (photos From The Past) p13
Eunice Paulus Booker & Carnival Glass (by Michael W. Campbell) p23
Robert Johnston/Naval Architect (from the Jasper County Historical Society Archives) p27
Sports Legends (1946-1947 Rensselaer Basketball Team) p29
The Four Seasons (from the Saint Joseph’s College Archives) p31
For The Record (Interesting Facts) p32

Summer 2010 - Volume XVII

From The County Historian (by Beulah M. Arnott) p3
Rensselaer As I Remember (by Fr. Leonard Kostka C.P.P.S.) p5
From The Mayor’s Desk (by Rensselaer Mayor, Herb Arihood) p7
Katharine Drexel – The Poor Rich Girl (by John D. Groppe) p9
Vintage Views (Photos From the Past) p13
Judge Robert Van Atta (by Michael W. Campbell) p23
Honoring General Milroy (from the Jasper County Historical Society Archives) p27
Sports Legends (1913 Rensselaer High School football team) p29
Rensselaer Public Library (from the Jasper County Historical Society Archives) p31
For The Record  p32

Fall/Winter 2010 - Volume XVIII

Notes from the Society (by Dori Hancock) p3
Rensselaer As I Remember (by Helen Alter) p5
From The Mayor’s Desk (by Rensselaer Mayor, Herb Arihood) p7
James E. Brenner (by Michael W. Campbell) p9
Vintage Views (A Word About Beulah – Photos From The Past) p13
Terry Benedict (by Michael W. Campbell) p23
Patti Jo Fairbanks (from the Jasper County Historical Society Archives) p27
Sports Legends (Missy Beaver) p29
The Harmon Family (from the Jasper County Historical Society Archives) p31
For The Record (Interesting Facts) p32

Fall/Winter 2011 - Volume XIX

From the County Historian (by Judy Kanne) p3
Rensselaer As I Remember (by J Edward Levandowski) p5
From The Mayor’s Desk (by Rensselaer Mayor, Herb Arihood) p7
Lilian Fendig (by Robert G. Lewis) p9
Vintage Views (Photos From The Past) p13
Farm Progress Show – 1961 (by LaVerne Meyer) p23
Rensselaer of 1860 (by Isaac Newton Stewart Alter) p27
Sports Legends (Emory G. Harrison) p29
Early Rensselaer Telephone Directory (from the Jasper County Historical Society Archives) p31
For The Record (Interesting Facts) p32

Spring /Summer 2012 - Volume XX

From the County Historian (by Judy Kanne) p3
Rensselaer As I Remember (by Charles N. Stath) p5
From The Mayor’s Desk (by Rensselaer Mayor, Steve Wood) p7
Jasper County Farm Bureau CO-OP (by Janet Wakeland) p9
Vintage Views (Photos From the Past) p13
From Rensselaer to West Point (by Cadet Patrick R. Monfort) p23
Chief Chaplain William R. Arnold (from the Saint Joseph’s College Archives) p27
Sports Legends (Jim Holstein) p29
Rensselaer Girl Scouts (by Cindy Stath) p31
For The Record (Interesting Facts) p32

Winter 2012/2013 - Volume XXI

As I Remember (by William F. Campbell) p3
From the County Historian (by Judy Kanne) p5
Main Street Rensselaer (by Carole Beaver) p7
The Potawotamies (from the Rensselaer Republican) p9
General Robert H. Milroy (topic by Michael W Campbell, written by Emily Austin Duran) p11
Charlie Halleck Day (by John D. Groppe) p13
The Rensselaer Train Depot (by Natalie Waling & her students) p23
Dedication of Rensselaer Post Office (by Robert G. Lewis) p25
Rensselaer post Office Mural (by Robert G. Lewis) p27
Sports Legends (by Gene Edmonds and William Zimmer) p29
Worden’s Quality Grocery (from the Rensselaer Republican) p31
For The Record (Interesting Facts) p32

Winter 2013 - Volume XXII

From the County Historian - (by Judy Kanne) p3
Phil Wood, Jr. (by Russ Martin) p7
Jasper County Courthouse (from the Centennial Book and the Rededication Program) p11
The Parks of Rensselaer (by Marsha Gratner) p18
The Old Rensselaer Armory (by Ed Davisson) p20
Cloudburst Strikes City: Loss Heavy (from the Rensselaer Republican) p23
Make-em-self Ditch (by Michael G. Kingman) p28
Sports Legends (by William F. Campbell) p31
Tidbits and Teasers (Interesting Facts) p32

Winter 2014 - Volume XXIII

From the County Historian - Dean Putt, Gentleman and Poet  (by Judy Kanne) p3
Hollis G. “Holly” Hayes  (as told to Sue Caldwell) p7
My School Days (by Bessie Eger Grant, from the Jasper Magazine, May 17, 1976) p14
In Memorium (by John Groppe) p18
J.A. Grant & Son Motor Freight (by Ed Davisson) p21
Hoosier Tales & Proverbs (by John Blue) p25
Rensselaer Lions Club (by Carlee K. Alson) p29
Sports Legends (compiled by Marsha R. Gratner) p31
From Indians to Bombers (by Michael W. Campbell) p32

Summer 2015 - Volume XXIV

From the County Historian - Dean Putt, Gentleman and Poet  (by Judy Kanne) p3
Rensselaer Auto Parts (by Ron Podell, from the Hoosier Heritage, Sept. 25, 1988) p5
Monnett School (by Rex Smith, from the Rensselaer Republican, Aug. 1, 1973) p6
Wright’s Furniture(by Grant Edward Davisson) p11
Rensselaer As I Remember - Marjorie Lintner (by Judy Kanne) p15
1947 Plane Crash (by Richard Potts) p18
St. Augustine’s Catholic Church (by John Groppe) p21
Rensselaer Rotary Club (by Russ Martin) p25
Weinberg Brothers Discount Store (by Gail Weinberg Murray) p27
Steven Brandenburg (by Carlee Tressel Alson) p29

Summer 2016 - Volume XXV

From the County Historian - The Rensselaer Republican's Gossiper Lefty Clark (by Judy Kanne) p3
Kevin Moriarty (by John D. Groppe) p7
Reverend Helenor M. Davisson (by Sue Caldwell) p11
Ramon Sayler (by Judy Kanne) p15
Punt, Pass and Kick (compiled by Miles Beeching and Ernie Reyes) p19
Pioneer Village (compiled by the Jasper County Historical Society) p21
Jasper, the Bicentennial Bison (by Caitlin Sievers) p26
Charles R. "Chuck" Bahler (by Carlee Tressel Alson) p29

Fall 2017 - Volume XXVI

The Parkison House (by Melissa Ahler) p2
From the Rensselaer High School Alumni Directory (compiled by Rensselaer Alumni Association, 1980 Committee) p5
William and Hazel Holt (by Jane (Holt) Zebendon) p12
Hal Gray (by John D. Groppe) p18
Lefty Clark Articles (compiled by Beulah Arnott) p23
Joe Lunghi (from the scrapbook of Marjorie Lunghi) p21
1968-1969 Basketball Team (by Carlee Tressel Alson) p28

Spring 2018 - Volume XXVII

The American War Mothers (by Judy Kanne) p3
World War I Letters (by Sue Caldwell) p5
Lefty Clark Letter (by Lefty Clark) p9
World War I Memorial (by John D. Groppe) p18
Rensselaer As I Remember - Dorothy Eileen Washburn Studer (by Judy Kanne with Eileen Studer) p12
When a Community Comes Together (by John D. Groppe) p18
First Presbyterian Church (by Judy Kanne) p22
Mrs. Mary Naomi Barlow (by John D. Groppe with Kristi Courtright Slaby) p26
Gene Edmonds - Sports Legend (by Carlee Tressel Alson) p29

Winter 2018 - Volume XXVIII

Old Primary School (by Judy Kanne) p3
Rensselaer As I Remember - Larry Brooks (by Larry and Joan Brooks as told to Judy Kanne) p5
Rensselaer’s FFA Livestock Judging Team (by Carlee Tressel Alson) p11
9/11 Never Forget Mobile Exhibit p16
The Vietnam Traveling Wall p 17
Bazz’s Roller Rink and Eat & Sip Drive In (by John D. Groppe) p19
A History of the Hoosier State Creamery (by Judi Arnott Manns) p23
Obituaries (by Lefty Clark) p26
First Lady of Front Street (from the Jasper Magazine) p29
Athletic Hall of Fame - Sports Legends (by William F. Campbell) p31

Summer 2019 - Volume XXIX

Honorable Judge Michael S. Kanne (by Judy Kanne) p2
Class of 1904, Barkley Township p7
Gone But Not Forgotten (by Beulah M. Arnott) p8
The Public Library (from the Jasper Magazine) p13
Moberg Leads the Way to Mural City (by Judy Kanne) p15
Fendig’s Philosophers’ Gathering Place (from the Jasper Magazine) p19
Kevin Spencer (by Leann Doffin) p 20
Joe Wilson, Emmy Award Winning Broadcast (by Judy Kanne) p25
Harry Parker Photographs p 26
1949 Highlights (by Lefty Clark) p28
Ryan Hooker (by Richard H. Potts and John D. Groppe) p31

Summer 2020 - Volume XXX

George Tonner (by Judy Kanne) p2
Pigs on Parade (by Marsha Gratner) p5
Claussen Equipment (by John D. Groppe) p6
Rensselaer as I Remember (by Chuck Tilton) p10
1970s Time Capsule (from the Scrapbooks of Marian Kauffman)
95th Jasper County Fair (by Loren Berenda) p18
Class of 2020 (by Judy Kanne) p22
Highlights (by Lefty Clark) p23
Sports Legend - George Zorich (by Carlee Tressel Alson) p26
Athletes of the Past (by Jim Miller) p32