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Childhood in South Africa depicted in works by Rensselaer artist

Display Month: 
May, 2023

Hi, I am Emily Jane, the 17-year-old artist of all the paintings you see and I work here at the library.

If you are actually reading this bio, thank you, cause that means you took two minutes out of whatever you are currently doing, stopped and looked.

I was born and raised in South Africa for ten years, so many of my paintings are inspired by memories of my childhood home.

Besides that, I draw/paint whatever inspires me in that current moment and then, maybe, if the burst of creativity lasts that long, I’ll finish it on the same day, which is a rare occurrence, so I have no idea how long any of these took me.

They are not by any means what some would call professional, but they’re mine, and they are not perfect because I’m not perfect, no artist or human is.

That’s why I like to paint, I can mess up, be colorful, weird, maybe even not quite complete and that’s ok, but then again art is a reflection.

Ok, I’m going to stop trying to sound poetic and just say

“These are my painting’s and I hope they make you smile, or if anything cause you to pause and distract you from this over complicated/crazy life.”