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New Adult Fiction @ JCPL is 'The Cat's Meow!'

Kitten 'reading' a book.

Cats have nine lives; I grew up believing it to be fact. I have 2 cats; one of who is an excellent escape artist and can hide herself away in unknown spaces for any length of time she wishes not to be found.

I had begun to believe that something was amiss in my house; that bad joo joo had found its way in.  Doors that I knew had been left open were found closed, and doors that I knew I had been closed suddenly were wide open.

One evening, a door I knew to be open earlier in the day was closed, and when I opened it, I saw a little white paw shoot up the bottom length of the door, pushing it shut again. Wait; what? It suddenly came to me that ‘Sparky’ was looking for just a little privacy, and at the age of 9, I wondered, could she be in her ‘teenage cat’ years?

Looking it up on a ‘cat calculator,’ I discovered that at 9, Sparky is in her 50’s in human years. Well, that explains it; she’s around my age and sometimes I would like a little ‘alone time’ too! What, you ask, would I do with my ‘alone time?’ READ, of course, and these new fiction titles are just the purrrrfect way to start! Read on!

Traumatized by the disappearance of her husband and millions of dollars, Alice Hyatt is doing her best to move on with her life. With her ‘Green Acres’ landscaping business to run, Alice can finally say she has found peace. Never one to turn down work, Alice accepts the challenge of designing a garden for Graham Mackenzie, the neighborhood millionaire. The job, however, is causing grief all around for Alice, as Mackenzie is not well liked by the community due to his reputation for disrupting the environment with his hydraulic fracturing trade. Real trouble comes along when Mr. Mackenzie turns up dead and things heat up for Alice in ‘Bleeding Heart’ by Liza Gyllenhaal.

It’s the middle of the night, and New York City teacher Raymond Donne picks up the phone to find a friend from his cop days on the other end of the line, needing his help, ASAP. When Ricky arrives in the taxi cab he drives for a living, he picks Ray up only to have the windows of the taxi blown out by an explosion of bullets that fatally wound Ricky and leave Ray unconscious. Recovering from his injuries, Ray goes out of his way to find out what kind of trouble Ricky may have been in, and comes up against his old nemesis, Jack Knight, another ex-cop turned PI. “Dead Red” by Tim O’Mara is a Raymond Donne mystery that will keep you turning pages with its unexpected twists and turns.

Set in Los Angeles, California, “Driftwood” by Elizabeth Dutton features Clem Jasper, a girl with a famous rock star father who, upon his sudden death, has left her a series of letters that take her on a road trip around California. What does her father really want her to find? In the midst of her grief, Clem takes to the open road, realizing the depth of her father’s love for her and the ties of family as she uncovers the mystery and secrets left behind by her dad.

Savannah Morgan is the sole heir to her father’s billion dollar fortune. Her father’s untimely ‘fatal accident,’ however, haunts Savannah, so much so that she is investigating the mystery behind his death in hopes of finding the truth. Not everybody is on board with Savannah’s plan, though, and as her quest for justice heats up, things become complicated and even dangerous for her in “Independently Wealthy,” the sequel to “New Money” by Lorraine Zago Rosenthal.

Privacy is purrrfectly acceptable when you have to concentrate, and when you check these new fiction titles out from your local branch of the Jasper County Public Library, you’ll go home, ‘shut the front door,’ and enjoy what could easily be described as ‘the cat’s meow!’